Dec 12, 2020

2020 Christmas Tree by Cher

 It'll be a very different Christmas - a Covid Christmas this year.
 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8


Nov 18, 2020

Nathan Genealogy

I am researching my son-in-law's ancestry and am looking for a 3rd great aunt, maiden name Hulda or Hilda Nathan, born about 1879 in San Francisco, California.  Parents were Isaac Nathan (abt 1834-1926) and Tina Rosen (1846-1896).  I believe Hulda/Hilda was their youngest.  She married Max Manuel Cohen in 1897 and they divorced in 1899 - in San Francisco - after the birth of a daughter.  I have not found a remarriage or anything further after the divorce.  Her father's obituary in 1926 mentions her as "Hilda Cohen."  

Nov 5, 2020


Perhaps the destructive rioters around our country should be treated differently:


1916 Aug 22, Oxford Democrat, P5, Paris, Maine

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Berwin and their daughter, Mrs. Rose Jacobson, were each fined a cent by Judge Riley in Malden, Mass., court for squirting water out of a hose on a neighbor.




Oct 1, 2020

20/20 in 2020

Four eye surgeries from August 24 through September 28 and I am 20/20!  A lot of tension, a lot of stress and a lot of wondering if I'd "settle" for something less - but through prayers of family, church family and friends, my eyes are seeing better than I can ever remember.  I was in a small percentage of people whose lenses sit further back in my eye, affecting the focus, so each eye had to be redone.  But now - no more cataracts, my world is bright and clear, I can easily read, play piano, work on genealogy for friends and family and work on the inclination to hunt for my glasses or to reach up to take them off!  Many thanks to Dr. Reyes for sticking with me through it all, for my daughter and my friend, Kathy, for being my drivers when I wasn't allowed to drive.  Most of all, thanks to God for answering all our prayers.  I will be playing piano preludes now with even more thanks in my heart.

Sep 21, 2020

There it is!!

Is Chocolate Heart Healthy?
A review of data from six studies that included more than 336,000 participants found that eating one or more servings of chocolate per week could reduce the risk for heart disease by up to 10%.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, July 2020

Sep 14, 2020

Left Eye Do-Over

Just back from surgery on my left eye (and it is as dilated as the above) - to replace the lens implanted on 8/24.  Because my lenses sit further back in my eyes, it affects the focus quite a bit.  So the original lens that was a reading lens became a distance lens for me.  I'm doing the mono vision plan and need reading in left eye, distance in right.  Right eye isn't perfect yet, either - it'll be replaced on 9/28.

Aug 31, 2020

Right Eye is Almost Right

Today - a successful cataract removal and a distance vision lens - not as good as the left eye's lens which will be switched out on the 14th!  My lenses seat deeper in my eye and is causing vision issues.  Of course it's healing and is super annoying and scratchy, but that'll clear up soon.  I swear someone has painted my home in lighter colors and replaced light bulbs for brighter ones!  I have to turn down the brightness on my computer screen.

Aug 30, 2020

A Clearer Tomorrow??

I was supposed to get a near vision lens in my left eye.  Instead I got a distance vision lens because of my unique eyes.  I am not a happy camper!  Yes, the vision is clearer and I see in the distance beautifully - but NOT what I wanted and not what was planned.  It's complicated, but I go in tomorrow for the second surgery - also a distance lens in the right eye, and then at some later point in time the surgeon will correct the left eye and replace the lens.  

Aug 22, 2020

Better sight ahead?

Cataract surgery 8/24 and 8/31 - praying for allergy-free conditions for surgery and the lens implants.  Very much looking forward to better eyesight as well as a great visit with my daughter who is planning to spoil me during recovery.

Aug 12, 2020

Truth Stranger than Fiction


1896 Jan 12, The Press Sunday Morning

Reunited in Old Age

A Widow for 30 Years Marries the Man Who Deserted Her

Returned a Bearded Penitent

A Romantic Life Story Spread Out Over Three Large Cities in the South and West

From a Special Correspondent of The Press

Raleigh, N.C., Jan 10 – Some time in 1862 Henry Monk, a Confederate, came to this city from Sampson County.  He was detailed as a nurse in one of the hospitals and remained here until the war ended.  While here he formed the acquaintance of  Miss Julia Seawell and in 1864 they were married.  One child, a boy, Hugh, was born.  After the war Monk was employed by the Messrs. Adams of this city, who were large buyers and dealers in cotton, to travel and buy cotton for them.  Of course he was absent from his family from time to time during the cotton season, but they heard from him regularly and he came home as often as business would permit.  But from one of these trips, in 1865, Monk did not return.  His wife used all the means at the command of herself and friends to ascertain his whereabouts without finding any trace whatever of him.  And so she and her son and all who knew Monk settled down to the belief that he had been killed for the money he was supposed to have carried with him on his business trips.

A Visitor at the Prison

The widow Monk made a living with her needle for herself and son, and succeeded in giving him a fair education.  The widow was a devout member of the Baptist Church and she brought her boy up in the faith, and he was a shining light in the church and Sunday school.  Twenty-four years passed away.  The boy married and became a widower with one child – a girl.  The widow, her son and grandchild went to live in Richmond, Va., because the son had then a lucrative position there with a former business man of Raleigh.  For three years there was peace, plenty and happiness.  

   The son embezzled money of his employer and ran away.  His mother was crushed by disgrace and remained in Richmond, not having nerve to face her old friends in this city.  After a short time the son was arrested in Denver, Col., was tried, convicted and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary.

   One day an old, gray-headed man called and asked to see Hugh Monk.  The young prisoner was brought out with his cropped hair and striped clothes, and the old man threw his arms around him and cried as if his heart would break, and then went away without any explanation.  These visits were repeated several times, but Hugh could not get any statement from his mysterious friend.  After Hugh had been in the penitentiary several months there came to the humble abode of Mrs. Monk a venerable old man  He refused to give his name.  Mrs. Monk thought him a religious enthusiast and gave him the full history of her life.  After this, at regular monthly intervals, a remittance came to Mrs. Monk that removed want and anxiety from her mind, and there was nothing lacking to restore peace and happiness to the family but the liberation of Hugh.

A Happy Reunion

   By good behavior he earned commutation, and at the end of twenty-seven months he stood on the streets of Richmond a free man, and his old gray-headed friend stood by his side.  From the prison walls the pair went to Mrs. Monk.  The grandchild had never been permitted to know of the crime and punishment of her father.  The reunion of the mother and son, and father and child may be imagined.

   After this was over they all knelt down and the old man prayed.  When they arose Mrs. Monk turned to him and asked if he would not tell her who he was.  The answer was “Julia, have I changed so much that you do not know your own husband – Henry Monk?”  Mrs. Monk replied:  “You are not my husband unless you can satisfactorily explain the long desertion of your wife and child.”

   The explanation was that Monk had left a wife in Sampson County when he entered the Confederate army and that she had been reported dead.  He had married the second time in this belief.  In his travels, buying cotton, he had learned that his first wife was not dead.  Before the war ended she had eloped with another soldier into South Carolina.  After much search Monk found his first wife near Charleston, and believing that he had been guilty of bigamy and that his second wife and child would be disgraced if he went back to Raleigh, he concluded not to return and went to Frederick, Md.

A Second Marriage

   He managed to earn money and saved the greater portion of it under another name.  He kept track of his family by reading the Raleigh papers.  He followed their movements in Richmond and was horrified at the crime of his son.  Monk then found that his first wife was dead.  He began to visit his son in prison and went once to see his wife.  The money she had received each month was sent by him.  The wife then clasped her long-lost husband to her bosom and wept.  There was a second marriage of Monk and Julia.  And in a thriving town in Colorado will be found the father and mother in comfortable circumstances in their declining years; the son Hugh employed in a responsible position, having told his employers of his downfall and punishment before they gave him work; and the granddaughter at school and budding into a good and beautiful woman.

Aug 11, 2020

Odd Epitaph


1933 Apr 5, Albany Evening News, Albany, New York

Odd Epitaph Found Chiseled on Rock

Lanesboro, Mass. (UP) Jilted by a spinster, Capt. John M. Brown inscribed upon a rock the following epitaph:

“May God Bless Susan And All Her Barren Land.

And When She Gets to Heaven, I Hope She Finds a Man.” 

The epitaph, chiseled 35 years ago next month may still be seen on a rock in Henry A. Newton’s pasture.

Jul 3, 2020

20/20 in 2020???

I am "looking at" cataract surgery, August 24 and 31.  That certainly explains why I felt like I needed new glasses!  I'm told there is a chance I won't need glasses in the future.  Yes, please!!! Praying that I won't be allergic to the lenses!

Jun 24, 2020

More Than 29?

Maybe I should have more birthdays - here is a homemade gift of Starbucks copycat pumpkin scones from my friend, Elizabeth.  Oh, life is good!!

Jun 22, 2020

Birthday Goodness

Early tests were deemed necessary to make sure this strawberry shortcake was just right for birthday goodness.  Happy to report  that it is perfect!
 Fresh baked biscuit, Nada Moo "ice cream,"
fresh strawberries dusted with date sugar,
Cool Whip, more strawberries, and
a drizzle of date syrup

Jun 20, 2020

A Wonderful Father

Somehow, Dad, you never minded that it wasn't all about you!
It definitely was all about me and my new dress - 
bringing you a jug of water was just a good excuse.
You were the best dad ever!
Happy Father's Day!

Jun 17, 2020

If Opportunity Doesn't Knock, Refinish a Door!

My front door has been a huge embarrassment.  I think INTERIOR sealer was used on the EXTERIOR of the door which, as you can see, wasn’t exactly the right option:

So a week or so before getting a shot in my lower back, I decided this bad curb appeal had to go.  It took sanding, staining two and a half coats of dark walnut (the bottom half took an extra coat of stain), and two coats of the proper exterior sealer before I was happy with the look.  Had to do the side light, too, so they would match.  And now I’m just so proud of getting this done.  It wasn’t easy.  One day was even 104 degrees as I worked on it, but Iowa farm girls are of sturdy stock.  Doesn’t it look good now?

Jun 11, 2020


Injection in my back has worked its magic.  I'm feeling so much better.  I am going to start PT on the
16th.  Later:  Legs are fine. Most functions are fine but we will work on core muscles.  Supposedly this will get muscles working better to help with pain once the shot wears off.  From their lips to God's ears!!

Jun 9, 2020

Oh, My Aching Back!

Time for another injection in my spine.  Hoping to deaden some of the pain of arthritis poking sciatic nerves.  Will have to start some PT to help my legs.  Oh, joy!!

Jun 8, 2020

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

May 30, 2020

True That!

A recent study has found women who carry a little extra weight live longer than men who mention it.

A surprising new study has found that women who are slightly overweight have a higher life expectancy than men who dare to mention it to them.  The study was made by the highly respected Frankenburg Analysis Team from Germany who looked at data gathered from hundreds of overweight women and vocally opinionated men.  ‘Time after time we found that men who decided it was a good idea to bring up a woman’s weight found themselves in an early grave,’ said Dr Oda Beese, the lead researcher.

While a definite conclusion has yet to be reached, the team believes that the two facts are inextricably linked.  ‘Maybe if the men spent more time focused on their own health then they’d live longer,’ said Dr Beese.  Men everywhere are now being warned that it’s better to keep their mouths shut.

Apr 30, 2020

Face Masks

I hate this Coronavirus face mask thing!  As a result of having to wear hearing aids, half of what I do when listening to someone is read their lips.  Not only can I not see lips, but voices are muffled.  I probably seem even more clueless than usual since I just smile and nod!  They are ineffective except maybe on sick people who are coughing, they are hot and uncomfortable and they take away my ability to interact with people even more than usual.  Bah, humbug!!

Apr 19, 2020

My Brick Wall

No new sightings of James Galloway Parks, born Virginia, died Indiana (at least where he lived in old age).  Born 1791, he married my great great grandmother, Eliza Jane Clevenger Thornburg in 1845.  I need help on this ancestor!

Apr 12, 2020

Easter 2020

Easter Sunday 2020 was spent at home, watching part of Calvary Chapel St. George livestreaming, Pastor Rick's The Promised Land Resort Easter message from Fruitland, UT, listening to part of Andrea Bocelli's live concert, and finishing up with Franklin Graham's message from Central Park, NYC.  Very different but very blessed.

For your Easter ham leftovers, here's a crazy good lima bean and ham soup recipe.  This year I saved three sandwich bags of one cup of ham for future soup cravings.  Switch out lima beans for split peas!

Apr 5, 2020

We are in the middle of Coronavirus

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Also known as: SARS-CoV-2, nCov, 2019 Novel Coronavirus
People are in panic mode

COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It's caused by a virus called coronavirus.

Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are a cough, a high temperature and shortness of breath.

Simple measures like washing your hands often with soap and water can help stop viruses like coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading.

There’s no specific treatment for coronavirus (COVID-19). 

Treatment aims to relieve the symptoms until you recover.

It's not known exactly how coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads from person to person, but similar viruses are spread in cough droplets.

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.

Corrie Ten Boom

Mar 18, 2020

Coronavirus Fears?

Loving God, I pray that you will comfort those suffering, lend skill to the hands of our healers, and bless the means used for a cure. Give us such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when we are afraid, we may put our whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pastor Rick Nerud at Calvary Chapel

Feb 4, 2020

Chili Wins Again

My chili recipe just took another award - at a Marine Corps League
Detachment/Dixie State University Veterans Club chili cook off.  I took a 6 qt. crock pot full (two batches) and there was just one serving left at evening's end.  My first place prize was a teddy bear in a Marine Corps uniform.  Perfect.  I've worked on this recipe for many, many years, getting it just right.  During the years we lived in Pasadena and Arcadia, California, our kids would sleep out overnight at the Rose Parade, come home to chili, salad and Northwoods Inn garlic cheese bread, stretch out in the great room and watch the Rose Bowl with only one eye open.  My son thinks maybe I should rename it "New Year's Chili."  This is the recipe's second chili cook off award so it's a keeper - and no, I don't share the recipe.  Family secret.

Happy 2025