I'm from Dixie, as we say here in Southern Utah - some of the pioneer families assigned to settle this area hailed
from the South and possessed the necessary skills to grow cotton and establish
a community. Paying homage to the nickname of their former home, these settlers
called the region “Utah’s Dixie." And now I'm looking for Dixie!
That said, my current genealogy puzzle is locating the husband(s) of Dixie D. Barton, born in 1916 [grave marker is incorrect according to obituary found in a 1916 paper] in Arkansas, married in Oklahoma in 1936 and again in Montana [her grandparents spent some time in Montana] in 1937 to William H. Cacy. Since her maiden name was Barton, but her headstone in the Pleasanton, California cemetery gives her name as Dixie Johnson Sorensen, it's my belief that after marriage to Mr. Cacy, she was married to a Mr. Johnson and then to James Sorensen (the name of her husband at the time of her death, per her obituary). She died 30 November 1962 in Pleasanton, California. It is possible Mr. Johnson was Forrest Alexander Johnson, going by his burial record.
Fun puzzle. Hope I can find the answers.
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