Dec 25, 2021

Should We Change the Word of God?

In Psalm 12:7, God promised to preserve His Word from “this GENERATION for ever.” Preservation served to prevent accidental corruption of the text during transmission. Also, this divine preservation counters the deliberate, concentrated war on the Bible by Satan and his agents. This conspiracy to pervert the Word of God is world wide, and dates to the most ancient of times. The Word has been under attack since the serpent deceived Eve. The enemy of mankind, knowing that the scriptures lead to salvation, causes man to doubt the Bible, reject the Bible, and even alter the Bible. The corruptions are as numerous as the heresies which spawned them. God has strengthened and purified His Word, that it may stand against this assault. Martin Luther once said, “The Bible is like a lion; it does not need to be defended; just let it loose and it will defend itself.” God has preserved His Word, and it can defend itself. Despite the opposition of devil and man, God’s Word remains pure, inspired, and inerrant. How do we know that heretics have attempted to change the Word of God? God has given us warning about heretics bringing perversions of the gospel. The Lord takes His Word very seriously. He has preserved it for us. He has commanded us not to change it in any way. He has also given us warning about those who alter it, and to those who alter it.

Thou Shalt Not Change My Word

God has commanded us to not change His Word. As He is the author, He holds the eternal copyright. He allows us, nay, commands us, to copy and spread His Word to the entire world. However, He strictly forbids the addition or removal of anything from His Word.

Revelation 22:18-19 ESV 

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Dec 24, 2021

Christmas Eve at Dixie Center

Merry Christmas.  God's blessings for a great 2022.


Includes piano prelude by Yours Truly.

Dec 6, 2021

2021 Christmas Tree

Cher worked her magic once again on a Christmas tree for me.

It sets the background for a Krafczyk Christmas photo shoot:

Back row: Amaris, Brandi, Caryn, Kayla, Belle, Tom
Front row: Arielle, Arron, Jeremiah, Ali, Zach
23 Dec 2021

Nov 12, 2021

Oct 25, 2021

Fall Cleaning

I’m not sure why the spring cleaning bug bit in fall this year.  But he took a big chomp out of me!  After completing the refresh of my master bedroom, I tackled my office and craft room.  I have a wall of cupboards for scrapbooking and card making supplies, two desks, a 6’ tall shelving unit and an island in the center of the room.  I had planned to wait until I had finished Marine Corps League historian albums and my own heritage albums before tackling that room, but the cleaning bug wasn’t waiting.

Over the 20+ years I’ve been scrapbooking, I’ve collected a lot of “stuff.”  (That is an understatement in case you haven't heard one.)  I was either past various subjects in my crafts or I simply had too many – a lot of which were papers.  I have a paper addiction!  Almost all of my unneeded supplies were donated to the Pottery Club of SunRiver, the Card Class at SunRiver, a couple friends, the Senior Center in St. George and a few things to The Hope Chest, a local charity thrift shop.  It was a huge job and took quite a while but now I’m glad it’s done because it’s much easier to use the room.

I’ve caught up on the MCL historian albums and am working on a Christmas project now before I’ll get back into my heritage albums.  I have done a lot with my heritage, from my Phelps ancestors as original settlers – up to my 6th grade pages.  Just a few years to go!  (To reach my age of 29, you know.)

Only thing left is to reduce my closet.  Much better than buying more hangers. 

Oct 15, 2021

Happy Heavenly Birthday

Happy 5th Heavenly Birthday
You were Special
I Miss You!


Sep 6, 2021

An Extra Visit From Family

My daughter and Grace and Claire paid me an extra visit the last of August.  Since I was in the middle of refreshing my master bedroom, they were invaluable help, shopping, finding the right pillows and throws, bringing curtains from IKEA, ironing and hanging curtains, etc.  What fun we had! 

Next step will be chalk painting my makeup desk in a distressed white or chalk paint pink blush. 

Aug 6, 2021

Nine more Southern Utah Devil Pups

Southern Utah has nine more Devil Pup graduates, bringing our total since 2006 to 112.  This year our pups earned three awards, one for a perfect PFT, one for Top Ten Percent, and our very first Spirit Award.

I'm getting ready for our Awards Night program at the St. George Pizza Factory, and then it'll be wrapping up another season with thank you letters, invoicing, etc.  A few months' break sounds good.

Jun 26, 2021

Computer Woes

First, I find Google/gmail isn't accepting my SunRiver e-mails, in the midst of my computer-busy Devil Pup Youth Program, or they were sending them into spam folders.  I'm not sure that's fixed yet!  Then I find that it looked like someone had hacked into my SunRiver e-mail, sending out tons of messages, so they shut my account down.  I'm told SunRiver (an adult community) has been targeted pretty hard lately.  I bought a recommended virus/malware program and ran multiple scans and found nothing.  So until my server figures out the issues, I'm reduced to using the very e-mail I hate to use - gmail. 

May 8, 2021

Caryn and her AFJROTC Awards


Caryn loaded up on AFJROTC awards last night.

So proud of this 2019 Devil Pup!

Apr 28, 2021

 We are gearing up for a new Southern Utah Devil Pup season, hoping to make a big impact at Camp Pendleton in July.  No word yet on what the program will look like, but we will be ready regardless.


Apr 13, 2021

Chicken Noodle Soup!

 Who has a friend who will make homemade chicken noodle soup for you when you're feeling under the weather!  I DO!  Thank you so much, Brandi!!


Mar 27, 2021

Easter 2021 at Tuacahn

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only the foundation of our faith, it is the greatest demonstration of God’s love for all humanity. Join us as we proclaim the truth of who Christ is and all that He has accomplished for us on the cross of Calvary.


Mar 24, 2021

One and Done

 I was fortunate to get the Johnson & Johnson one-shot Covid vaccination on March 10.  I was expecting the worst and actually had the best!  No reaction at all - not even a sore arm.  St. George has done a great job of getting the vaccine out to everyone.  This is a community consisting of a lot of retired people.  This week those 16 and up are eligible.

Mar 4, 2021


👀 Aging is not always joyful!!  I saw my cataract eye surgeon today, wondering if my eye infection could be a result of an allergy to the lens, making me more susceptible to infections.  He has not ruled out that theory but feels that it is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.  Time will tell, I guess, and I am very happy that it's not a diagnosis of oncoming disease or blindness!!!

Jan 26, 2021


Excited to get the stitches removed from my cheek this week.  My first sqaumus cell carcinoma on a person who can't stand to be in the sun!  I don't know if the Egyptians ever got facials at malls along the Nile but I'm pretty glad they invented makeup!

Jan 8, 2021

Genealogy Help

Who has a more thoughtful daughter??  Her Christmas present this year is 12 hours of a very special genealogist's time - Arlene Eakle!  If anyone can find my great great grandfather's missing information, it will be Arlene.  Can hardly wait!

Jan 1, 2021

Another nod to old age


It was time once again for some relief from the result of arthritis on my spine.  So I'm starting the new year with another epidural and am relatively pain free.  The shot seems to help a little with allergies, also.  Here's to a better 2021, putting all that pain and Covid of 2020 "behind" us!

Happy 2025