Oct 24, 2016

He's With the Lord

I miss him so much!  He developed double pneumonia and spent three nights in the hospital.  He did not respond to antibiotics because of his extreme weight loss and weakened condition.  He returned to the nursing home under hospice care.  I was with him on Saturday morning, October 15th.  He was four days away from being 84.  What a wonderful husband he was!
  Watching his beloved Devil Pups check into 2013 summer camp.

Our Wedding Day 1978 

2008 Marine Corps Birthday Ball, SunRiver St. George

Oct 8, 2016

We Were Together, I Forget the Rest

As I sit in the nursing home room with my husband, who is sleeping and attempting to overcome another medication gone wrong, I ran across this sign on the Magnolia Farms website when reading e-mail.  It brought me to tears.  I've had several years with a very special man and even now, in a nursing home, we enjoy being together.

Happy 2025