Genealogy is taking a back seat for a little while. Bill and I have been appointed Historians for the local Marine Corps League Detachment. In truth, I had started a scrapbook of photos and clippings in 2007 when Bill started the Detachment. I wanted to chronicle the events leading up to and including the charter of Utah Dixie Detachment #1270 which within a year became the largest Detachment in the State of Utah. We have completed albums for 2007 and 2008 and are currently working on 2009. The albums go together quickly because it's mostly a type of digital scrapbooking as far as photos are concerned.
Here's an example of one of the events, a Marine Corps Birthday Ball. The ceremony involves a cake detail and the presentation of a piece of birthday cake to the oldest Marine present who, in turn, presents it to the youngest Marine present. It is a treasured part of the Detachment's annual Birthday Ball.